What is Life Alchemy?

Our world is changing, the human race is becoming…….something new.

Higher frequencies are flooding the planet…..New timelines are opening up…..
We are beginning to remember who we really are.

The need to be totally self-empowered and understand what is unfolding has never been so urgent if we are to help ourselves, our friends, family, clients, community.

There is no quick fix, read-this-book-and-all-will-be-revealed because it does not exist
We are stepping into the unknown.

The need has never been greater for those who can help re-imagine this world.

Are you one of them?

Are you ready to lift the veils and remember who you really are?

Life Alchemy is a membership programme introducing you to the different aspects of wisdom and skills and tools we are all going to require in the times ahead and to become an active participant in helping re-member and re-imagine our world.

Life Alchemy is a membership programme where you can learn and explore the many paths of knowledge and understanding, some very ancient, some modern, which when woven together will create the Alchemy of Self – the transformation of Homo Sapiens Sapiens into Homo Luminous, the New Human for the coming Age.

There are many crucibles we need to master:

The Alchemy of Wisdom

We will plunge deep into the Well of Wisdom and bring ancient wisdom into the realm of modern science and learn how to tap into our own deep wisdom held within.  We will understand the various wisdom traditions and how their understanding of universal laws and energies can help us navigate the times ahead, to bring humanity to wiser, brighter shores.

The Alchemy of the Dreamer

The ancient wisdom keepers of all cultures knew how to walk between worlds, to co-create with the gods, to dream the world into being.  We have all but lost this understanding and need to re-awaken the Dreamer in the Land within each of us.

The Alchemy of Truth

The opportunity for humanity to wake up and release itself from the illusions and delusions which have held to many captive for so long is upon us.  This is the Seer’s Path, become a perceiver of hidden truths, see what lies beneath clearly and help others break free of the illusion.

The Alchemy of the Dragon

The dragon represents the elemental earth energy. Learn more about this energy, how you might harness it and work in partnership with it and the Spirits of the Land to become a Guardian and Earth Keeper.

The Alchemy of Health

Health is Nature’s norm.  The body is a vehicle for consciousness and its well-being affects the potential of that consciousness.  Our evolution is intrinsically linked to the evolution of the cells within us.  We cannot ignore the physical body and its needs.

The Alchemy of the Warrior

It takes courage to transform, courage to see the world the way it is, to find and stand in our power, to create a new and better path.  Do you have the courage?  It lies within.  Together we will tap into this power to lead others to the new horizon.

The Alchemy of Myth and Magic

Deep wisdom and guidance is encoded within our myths.  We shall explore these stories and how our past can help guide us into our future.

The Alchemy of the Ancestors

Deep ancestral wisdom is held within our DNA and our lineages which we need to bring back into our awareness, healing timelines and carrying us forwards on our Rivers of Blood.

How Will This Help Me?

There are many reasons you might want to join and gain access to all that this programme has to offer.We will be taking what is relevant and helpful from today’s shamanic, spiritual, self-development, mytho-poetic and sciences to mould them into something which serves the new paradigm unfolding before us.

  • Expand your own spiritual development and understanding of the science of spirituality known to our forebears.
  • Expand into the new light codes and begin to access the interdimensional gateways opening.
  • Explore ideas, concepts, technique, and tools that will be important for the coming Age
  • Understand how to take all you learn to teach on and help others.
  • Learn to build relationships with beings from other realms, worlds, dimensions.
  • Become a Walker Between Worlds
  • Learn the laws of energy and how to harness them
  • Learn the art of conscious dreaming, and the tools to bring your vision into reality
  • Transformational tools and teachings to change your life for the better.
  • Expand your understanding of magic and how to transform the mundane to magical.
  • Start to gain the gift of the ‘Seer’ and perceive the world around you in a different way.
  • Bring the power of the ancient gods and their stories into your life
  • Discover your cosmic heritage and walk the Starfire Bridge
  • Flow with the rhythms of the moons
  • Celebrate the turning of the Solar Wheel.

What Do I Get?


  • Live calls scheduled around every Full and New Moon to begin to explore each of these containers and the alchemy they hold within
  • Video classes on every aspect of the teachings and topics explored.
  • Primary Soul Blueprint reading of your unique immortal soul’s gifts and talents.
  • Transformational tools and techniques from shamanic, spiritual, geomantic, energetic and other practices will be shared, to give you a toolbox that will not let you down.
  • Workbooks to help you work through and develop various layers of teachings.
  • Access to energetic light codes to help facilitate your spiritual and energetic growth.
  • Story Circle – metaphorically meet around the campfire each moon to listen to the myths and stories of our ancestors and learn what they have to teach us.
  • Energetic updates on energetically on what is unfolding and what to expect.
  • Be part of a community of like-minded people from all over Mother Earth and link with them to bring positive change.
  • Celebrate the turning of the Solar Wheel of Life 8 times a year.
  • The ability to interact and work with Saira on the live calls.
  • Full access to Library of previous courses and programmes (this alone is worth a lot of money!)
  • Life Alchemy Community to connect with fellow travellers.

Inner Circle

All the above


  • access to individual once a month coaching and counselling to help you move through and past any blocks or issues which may arise for you, and hone developing skills.
  • Once a month inner circle wisdom lodge solely for Inner Circle members.
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