What are EMFs?

What are EMFs?

What Are EMFs? EMFs is short for Electro Magnetic Fields, which are made up of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields – all of them invisible to the eye. Electricity has only been used domestically for about 100 years, and during this period of time we...
Mind-Body Connection

Mind-Body Connection

The Mind-Body Connection When we think of health and well-being most of us just think of it in the sense of the physical body.  In fact, in a truly holistic sense it is really about a sense of wellness in EVERY area of your life – not just being physically healthy,...
Love Your Liver!

Love Your Liver!

Love Your Liver! This is the time of year when your body is doing its best to spring clean!  As we head towards the summer months, the sluggishness of winter is thrown off, and accumulated toxins and acidity are (hopefully) released. This is when you liver can go into...