To the ancient Britons and Celts,
it was the Wheel of Life
or Celtic Spirit Wheel
To the indigenous North Americans, it is the Medicine Wheel
To the Buddhists, it is the Circle of Life

Understanding the Wheel of Life will assist you in connecting fully back to yourself and the rhythms of nature and the cosmos

Disconnection from this simple wisdom has resulted in the current planetary upheavals and social chaos.

We have fallen out of harmony with our environment.

It is a simple tool, badly needed in today’s disconnected world, which gives a structure to understand process & rhythms and cycles and our place in them

By connecting into the Wheel we learn to reconnect to Nature, and back into the rhythm of life, helping us to understand the intrinsic patterns that underlie our lives and the cosmos.

It is an esoteric expression of the ALL in the simplest of geometric forms

…woven into every aspect of your life, your thoughts, your actions…

…demonstrated by the natural world around us time and again…

…at the very heart of being human… 


Do YOU understand The Wheel of Life?

The first of the three great primary spiritual and energetic archetypes or forms which express the fundamental laws of life –  great energy patterns embodying the power, wisdom and intelligence of the Cosmos – the Wheel of Life demonstrates how we integrate time and space, process and form, spirit and matter.

So simple, yet so profound….

It is woven into everything, from the great rhythms of Life, the cycles of time, the solar and lunar rhythms, our thoughts, our actions.

This great energetic archetype, the Wheel of Life:

  • underpins everything
  • Is found everywhere
  • Supports cosmic as well as earthly cycles

Do you know how to recognise it?  Work with it?  Use it to enhance and benefit your Life?

The Wheel of Life is part of the Pathways to Consciousness programme, and understanding this ancient archetype- along with the two others, the Chakras and the Tree of Life –  is fundamental to a good grounding in esoteric, metaphysical and spiritual knowledge.

What is it?

The Wheel of Life is an ancient symbol used in many traditions, sometimes called a medicine wheel or mandala.  It represents the great cycles of time and space with which we are all intimately connected in material 3D reality, including the cycle of Nature and the cycle of spiritual development.  

It is described as the expression of the All – a grand concept, and one, you will discover, is true as you begin to understand what this energetic archetype encompasses. 

Within the Wheel we find all the cycles and rhythms that govern life, from grand cosmic cycles to the simplest thought and deed. 

Found in every culture around the world this primary form has been worked with from time immemorial and is known by many names, and is seen from the smallest atom of physical matter to the great wheeling galaxies of the universe.

Often pictured as a spoked wheel, it resembles as ships wheel – appropriate as it can help us steer our way through the processes of life.  It can also be depicted as a circle with a dot in the centre.

The Celts used it to define their yearly cycle – one we still work with today.

The Native Americans cast their medicine wheel using this archetype, the druids and wiccans to create sacred space. 

We see it in the cycle of birth, growth, death and rebirth

The spiritual cycle of initiation

The zodiacal time cycles and great Phoenix cycle

The waxing and waning of lunar cycles

The daily, weekly, monthly and annual cycles we have both universally and personally.

Learning to recognise and understand this energetic archetype both in the context of your life and the world around you, and in working with ritual and ceremony and sacred space lays a vital foundation, as it is an important underpinning to any spiritual, metaphysical or esoteric work, and it is symbolically both powerful and protective.

How Can it Help?

Working with the Wheel of Life brings many benefits.  When understood and consciously used it can have a profoundly creative effect on the way we live and how we view the environment within which we live.

  • The cosmic wheel of Death and rebirth
  • Nature cycles and rhythms
  • Radiant and spiral energy, masculine and feminine
  • The circle and cycle
  • Cause and effect, the Wheel of Fortune or Karma
  • Connection to earth and other beings
  • Safety and protection
  • Learning to connect to Nature, releasing the old and welcoming the new
  • Achieving harmony of mind, body and spirit
  • It gives us a structure to understand process, and a geometry for understanding rhythms and cycles.

    Sounds complicated?

    It’s not!

    It is both simple, and profound.

    You will recognise it immediately, and then wonder why you haven’t understood all it encompasses before….and why you haven’t worked with it in this way to enhance your life!

    What Will I Learn?

    The Wheel of Life is the expression of the All in the simplest of geometric forms. Amongst the areas we will investigate and explore are:

    * What is the Wheel of Life?

    * Some of the myriad expressions of the Wheel, including
                – time and space, process and form
                – time cycles
                – Nature cycles
                – Solar and lunar cycles
                – Life cycles
                – Human cycles
                – Initiatory cycles
                – Circadian cycles
                – Astrological cycles

    * Celtic Wheel of the Year

    * Medicine Wheel

    * Sacred symbolism

    * Working with the Wheel of Life

    * Wheel of Life and sacred space

    * Wheel of Life and the elements

    * The Mandala & creating a Wheel of Life mandala

    The programme includes experiential exercises and simple tools that will enable you to both recognise and work with the Wheel’s processes as they manifest in your daily life, as well as guidance on how to tune in to its rhythms.

    Yes, please! Sign me up!

    The Wheel of Life is part of the Pathways to Consciousness programme which is a comprehensive package providing a toolbox of esoteric, metaphysical and spiritual knowledge and techniques that will enhance and deepen any practise, skillset or development programme you may undertake or currently follow.

    Learn more here

    What’s Included:

  • Recorded presentations and lessons
  • Written booklet to download and keep
  • Experiential exercises to bed in the knowledge
  • Access to regular Q & A sessions
  • Private Facebook forum
  • Certification on completion of competency test at end of course
  • Lifetime access to all material
  • Choose from the Wheel of Life Course or the full Pathways to Consciousness programme

    Wheel of Life
    Complete Course

    Pathways to Consciousness
    Complete programme (9 courses)
    Total value £1667

    About Saira

    I’ve been studying metaphysics, ancient wisdom teachings, energy and asking the big
    questions about the way the world works for more years than I care to remember.

    The road to successful self-empowerment heightened awareness and consciousness and a life of passion and purpose is fraught with pitfalls, false gurus, misinformation, expensive mistakes and dead ends.  And that’s why I’ve become passionate about sharing what I couldn’t find when I first started out – a programme teaching foundational underpinnings which can be applied to anything you choose to do!

    I’ve had the privilege of studying with some amazing teachers and as my understanding and the depth of my knowledge has grown it’s not only changed how I understand the world but informed the way I work with clients, and how I approach life. 

    I’ve taught Holistic health and well-being for many years, but have seen so many people, whose practice/career/life choices would be deeply enhanced if they had a firm understanding of what I call ‘the basics’, that I’ve expanded my courses to include the big metaphysical understandings that run through everything and transform how you work and play in the world!

    I’ve always believed in finding out the root cause of things – be it illness, unhappiness or Life’s big questions! When you grasp things at this level you can bring through profound change. 

    And in these times where great shifts of energy and consciousness are taking place we need some firm foundations on which to stand, which give us the tools to effortlessly surf the shifting currents ahead.

    Questions and Answers

    How do I access the course?

    On signing up for the programme you will have your own account to sign into, and all the individual lessons, videos and documents will be delivered there in turn for you to study at your leisure.  You will be sent a link to sign into any live sessions.

    If you have bought into the complete Pathways to Consciousness programme this segment of the programme will be delivered into your account as the first unit of nine.

    Is there a forum to share with others?

    Yes, there is a private Facebook page for course attendees to share information and experiences.

    How long will it take to do the course?

    There is no set time within which to complete this programme.  You can work at it as slowly or as fast as you want.  The demands on everyone’s time are different, so you work through it at your own pace.  This is a journey as much as just learning information, and the knowledge needs to be worked with as much as learnt, and you can building as much or as little time for this as you feel you require.  An important aspect of what you are developing is self-responsibility and discipline and therefore, whilst help is available should it be needed at any point, you are tasked with setting your own pace and schedule.

    How Long Do I have Access to the Programme?

    As long as the internet keeps on going (!), you will access, for your lifetime and beyond!

    How Do I Get Course Certification?

    At the end of the programme there is a test you can choose to take.  You will need to pass the individual test to get certification for completion.  Don’t worry, if you don’t pass a test, you can go back and revise and then re-take it.  This is designed to ensure you have absorbed and understood the knowledge.

    Do I have to take the tests?

    No, this is an optional extra for those who either need or feel they want certification.

    What is your refund policy?

    As with all my programmes, refunds are not given if you change your mind.  Transformation work is not something you try, it is something you commit to doing.  Refunds are only given in line with UK consumer law.

    About This Course

    The Wheel of Life is not just a package of knowledge to be intellectually understood.  It requires that you work with and apply this learning to your own life so you ‘know’ it in your cell tissue.

    You will be guided in exercises and ways to incorporate these understandings, and given tools and skills to do so, as the course progresses.

    Take the time to work with these exercises and incorporate the skills they will provide into your life and work – taking the time to do this will repay the effort a thousand-fold.

    The information you will be given will grow into a resource library you may want to re-visit again and again as your understanding and insights deepen.  As you expand your consciousness the more these core teachings will reveal to you – the signature of true initiatory knowledge!

    The Wheel of Life is part of the Pathways to Consciousness programme, delivering core concepts and teachings which are fundamental underpinnings to esoteric, metaphysical and spiritual lore and knowledge.  If you want to know more about the complete programme click here

    Choose from the Wheel of Life Course or the full Pathways to Consciousness programme

    Wheel of Life
    Complete Course

    Pathways to Consciousness
    Complete programme (9 courses)
    Total value £1667